Solar Roof Financing: Exploring Federal and State Incentives

Understanding the Basics of Solar Roof Financing

Today, solar energy solutions are more accessible and affordable than ever, thanks to various federal and state incentives. At Source Solar, a leading solar company in Iowa City, IA, we aim to simplify and promote the process of going solar. One of the key aspects that we consistently pinpoint is solar roof financing.

Solar roof financing refers to the methods you plan to fund your solar panel installation. Instead of buying a solar power system outright, different companies and government bodies offer schemes to help homeowners and businesses fund their solar energy projects.

Decoding Federal Incentives for Solar Roof Financing

The U.S. federal government has imposed various incentives to aid the financing of solar panel installations. These incentives include grants, rebates, and tax credits. Undoubtedly, the most beneficial of these is the Federal Solar Tax Credit, also known as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC).

The ITC allows homeowners to deduct a significant percentage of their solar installation cost from their federal taxes. The value of the ITC decreases over time. Until December 31, 2022, you can claim 26% of your total installation cost as a deduction. From 2023, it reduces to 22%, and starting in 2024, it drops to 0 for residential solar installations but remains at 10% for commercial ones.

These tax credits benefit homeowners significantly by reducing the overall cost of solar installation. Still, potential solar users should proactively research or consult professionals to take advantage of these benefits before they diminish or disappear.

Navigating State Incentives for Solar Roof Financing

In addition to federal initiatives, many states offer incentives and programs to encourage the switch to solar power. In Iowa, for instance, we have the Iowa Solar Energy System Tax Credit. This program offers a tax credit of up to 15% of the cost of a solar installation, renewable annually with an annual cap of $5,000. This complements the federal tax credit and further reduces the overall installation cost for Iowa residents.

Another example of state support is net metering. In a net metering program, you receive credit for the surplus solar power that you feed back into the electric grid. These credits can be used to offset your future energy bills. Though net metering rules and benefits vary from state to state, it’s an excellent way to maximize the financial returns from your solar installation.

Leasing and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

If upfront costs are still a concern, Solar Leasing and Power Purchase Agreements can be attractive. Essentially, homeowners agree to lease their rooftops or land for solar panel installation and pay a fixed monthly fee for the electricity produced.

PPAs, on the other hand, allow homeowners to purchase the solar energy produced on their property at a set price. The solar company owns the panels, and the homeowners only pay for the power. Both Leasing and PPAs can be relatively lower-cost options for accessing solar power.

Solar Loans

Solar loans are another viable option for solar roof financing. Similar to a home improvement loan, a solar loan can be secured or unsecured. It allows homeowners to finance the cost of their solar installation and repay the amount over time.

The loan term usually ranges from 10 to 20 years, with interest rates varying based on the lender, the loan type, and the borrower’s credit profile. This option allows you to start saving money immediately by making your solar payments lower than your current electricity bill.


At Source Solar, we’re committed to making the transition to solar power simple and affordable for everyone. Solar roof financing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about finding what works best for you in terms of cost, savings, and long-term benefit.

With a solid understanding of the various federal and state incentives available, as well as alternative financing options, you can make an informed and confident decision. Start your solar journey now, knowing you’re making the most out of your solar investment.

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Solar Roof Financing: Exploring Federal and State Incentives
Source Solar

Top Rated Solar Installer in the Midwest

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