Solar Roof Financing: Evaluating Return on Investment

Understanding Solar Roof Financing

In today’s ever-changing energy landscape, more and more homeowners are looking into alternative energy options. As a top-rated solar company in Iowa City, IA, Source Solar recognizes this trend and wants to empower homeowners with information crucial to making the most of solar power. One area that can be somewhat confusing is solar roof financing. It’s a significant investment, and understanding the return on it is essential.

The Initial Investment

The initial cost of solar panels can be substantial. That said, not only has the price dropped over the years, but both federal and state governments have introduced financial incentives to make solar roof financing more attractive. For example, you might be eligible to receive a tax credit for 26% of your solar roof cost through the federal solar investment tax credit. Some states even offer financial incentives like property tax exemptions or cash rebates. Make sure to explore these options, as they can substantially offset your initial investment.

Averting Future Energy Costs

Once installed, solar panels have a drastic impact on energy bills. Depending on your system’s size and electrical usage, you have the potential to generate all the electricity your home needs. The U.S. Energy Information Administration states that the average electricity cost for residential buildings is 13.2 cents per kilowatt-hour — with a solar roof, these expenses are further mitigated. By avoiding high electricity costs, your finances get a chance to rest while you effortlessly generate energy for your household.

The Long-Term Value

An often-overlooked aspect of solar roof financing is the long-term value these systems add to your property. Solar panels can increase your home’s value significantly. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, houses with solar energy systems sell for 3.74% more than comparable homes without solar power. This means that, even when considering the upfront cost, investing in solar is a financially sound move.

Environmental Returns

It’s essential to remember that the return on your investment isn’t purely financial. Investing in a solar roof has substantial environmental benefits, such as significantly reducing your carbon footprint. When you produce electricity from sunlight, you aren’t burning fossil fuels, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This environmental return can not be underestimated, as your decision to switch to solar energy contributes to a cleaner future for everyone.

Evaluating Your Solar Roof ROI

Evaluating your solar roof return on investment comes down to taking into account all the factors we’ve discussed. First, you should consider the total upfront cost, including any potential government incentives. Then, estimate how much you’ll save on your energy bills over the expected lifespan of your roof (which can range from 20 to 30 years for many systems). Factor in the potential increase in property value and weigh in the intangible environmental benefits.

Reliable Solar Roof Financing Services

At Source Solar, we understand the importance of reliable solar roof financing and are here to help you get the most out of your investment. Our team of solar energy experts is always ready to assist you in navigating the financial aspects of your switch to solar power. Whether providing estimates, explaining tax credits, or evaluating returns, we aim for your solar roof investment to be an informed decision—and a profitable one.


While the investment in solar roof financing might seem daunting, the long-term benefits, both financial and environmental, often outweigh the initial costs. Federal and state incentives can help ease the shift, and the long-term savings on energy bills provide a constant return. Add to this the increased property value and the significant benefits to the environment, and the idea of solar roof financing becomes a compelling option.

Source Solar is committed to guiding you through every step of this process. Our goal is to empower all homeowners in Iowa City, IA, with solar energy, maximizing this renewable source’s potential, and making every installation count towards a greener future.

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Solar Roof Financing: Evaluating Return on Investment
Source Solar

Top Rated Solar Installer in the Midwest

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