Going Solar: How to Make the Switch in Five Simple Steps

Are you tired of high utility bills? Do you want to do your part for the environment? Going solar may be the answer. In this blog post, we’ll show you why switching to solar makes sense and give you five simple steps to make the transition. Join the growing number of homeowners in Iowa and Illinois who are taking control of their energy costs while reducing their carbon footprint.

Why Going Solar Makes Sense

Going solar is a smart choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and lower their electricity bills. According to the Department of Energy, solar energy systems can last up to 30 years with proper maintenance and offer reliable power generation. By installing batteries, you can store excess energy generated during the day and use it at night, further reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

Solar panels can last up to 30 years and decrease emissions from traditional power plants.

Solar panels also help decrease overall emissions from traditional power plants that rely heavily on fossil fuels for electricity generation. This small change in lifestyle can have a big impact on the environment while also providing financial benefits in terms of reduced utility costs over time. Making the switch to solar has never been easier or more accessible – take advantage of this opportunity today!

Environmental Benefits

Going solar can have a significant impact on the environment. By reducing your carbon footprint and decreasing reliance on fossil fuels, you’re helping to limit harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution. The Department of Energy has found that homes powered by solar energy produce 91% less carbon dioxide than those relying on traditional electricity sources.

In addition to lowering your emissions, going solar also means you’ll be using batteries instead of relying solely on grid electricity during peak times. This helps reduce strain on the power grid and can further decrease air pollution from power plants. Making the switch to solar is not only good for your wallet, but it’s also a responsible choice for our planet’s future.

Financial Benefits

By going solar, homeowners can enjoy a range of financial benefits. For starters, installing solar panels can significantly lower utility bills, allowing for long-term savings on electricity costs. Additionally, investing in solar energy can increase the overall value of a home and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Furthermore, there are also potential tax incentives available for those who go solar. The Department of Energy offers tax credit programs that homeowners may be eligible for based on the size and type of their system. By reducing emissions and your carbon footprint with batteries or other renewable energy sources like wind turbines or hydropower plants you can help preserve our planet while saving money at the same time.

Five Simple Steps to Switching to Solar

When it comes to going solar, the first step is determining your household’s energy needs. This involves assessing your current electricity usage and identifying areas where you can cut back. Once you have a clear idea of how much power you need, you can start shopping around for a reputable solar installation company.

After selecting the right company, sign a contract that outlines all the details of your new solar system – from costs to warranties. The next step is installation – which typically takes just a few days. Finally, when everything is set up and ready to go, flip that switch and enjoy all the benefits of renewable energy in your home!

Step 1: Determine Your Household’s Energy Needs

Calculating your energy usage is the first step in determining your household’s energy needs. Tracking your electricity bill can help you understand how much energy you consume and when. Once you have a better understanding of where your electricity goes, it’s easier to identify potential areas for efficiency improvements.

Consider future changes in energy consumption, such as adding new appliances or expanding your living space. As part of this step, take note of seasonal variations that may affect the amount of solar power you need to generate throughout the year. By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision about what size solar panel system will meet your current and future needs while helping reduce utility costs and support sustainability efforts.

Step 2: Choose a Solar Installation Company

Research and compare solar providers before making a decision. Look for companies with experience, positive reviews, and competitive prices. Checking licensing and certifications is also important to ensure the company meets industry standards.

Read customer reviews to get an idea of other homeowners’ experiences with the installation process and overall satisfaction. This can help you make an informed decision when choosing a solar provider that fits your needs. Don’t rush this step as it can save you money, time, and potential headaches in the long run.

Step 3: Sign a Solar Contract

Before signing a solar contract, it’s essential to review the terms and conditions carefully. Make sure you understand all the details of the agreement, including any penalties or fees associated with early termination. It’s also important to ask about financing options available to you and ensure that they fit your budget.

In addition, don’t forget to ask about warranties and maintenance services. Knowing what is covered under warranty will give you peace of mind in case something goes wrong with your solar panels down the line. And having access to reliable maintenance services can help keep your system running smoothly for years to come. Taking these steps before signing a solar contract can help ensure that going solar is a sound investment for your home and family.

Step 4: Install Your Solar Panels

Before installation day, it’s important to prepare your property by clearing any debris or obstacles that could hinder the process. Work with your solar installer on panel placement to ensure that they are positioned correctly for optimal energy production. Additionally, make sure proper wiring is installed by certified electricians to ensure a safe and efficient system that will save you money in the long run. By taking these steps, you can feel confident in your decision to go solar and enjoy all its benefits while contributing positively to our environment.

Step 5: Flip the Switch and Enjoy Your New Solar-Powered Home

Regularly monitoring your solar system’s performance is crucial to ensure its efficiency and longevity. Take advantage of tax credits and incentives that can reduce the upfront costs of going solar, making it an even more financially attractive option for homeowners. Once you’ve made the switch, spread the word about the benefits of going solar to inspire others in your community to do their part in helping the environment while also saving money on utility bills. So go ahead, flip that switch and enjoy all the benefits that come with a new solar-powered home!

Additional Tips for Going Solar

Going solar is a smart investment that can save you money on your energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint. To make the most of your solar system, consider adding battery storage to ensure that you have power even during outages. Additionally, keep an eye out for local incentives and rebates that can help offset the upfront costs of going solar. And don’t forget to schedule regular maintenance for your panels to keep them operating at peak efficiency.

Consider Battery Storage

Battery storage is a great way to get the most out of your solar energy system. By storing excess energy generated by your panels during peak sunlight hours, you can use it to power your home during times when there isn’t enough sun or sell it back to the grid.

Here are some things to consider when choosing battery storage:

  • Understand the types of battery storage available
  • Calculate your energy needs and choose the right system size
  • Evaluate different brands and models to find the best one for you

With these factors in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards maximizing the benefits of going solar.

Take Advantage of Local Solar Incentives

Research Federal, State, and Local Tax Credits or Rebates Available to You

When considering going solar, it’s important to research the various incentives available in your area. There are often federal, state, and local tax credits or rebates for homeowners who make the switch to solar energy. Some examples include:

  • The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes.
  • The Illinois Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) program offers financial incentives based on the amount of electricity generated by your system over a period of time.
  • In Iowa, residents may be eligible for rebates through their utility company or other state programs.

Find Out if Your Utility Company Offers Net Metering or Other Programs for Solar Customers

In addition to tax credits and rebates, many utility companies offer net metering programs that allow customers with solar panels to sell excess power back to the grid. This can further reduce your overall energy costs and potentially earn you money. Some other useful programs that may be offered by utility companies include:

  • Virtual net metering: Allows multiple properties owned by one person/organization within a specific geographic location such as an apartment complex share one larger renewable energy system.
  • Time-of-use rates: Offer lower prices during off peak hours when homeowners tend not use much electricity; this benefit is especially helpful because most battery storage systems operate in conjunction with TOU pricing schemes.

Look for Financing Options with Low Interest Rates or No Money Down

While going solar does require an initial investment upfront – there are financing options available which can help offset this cost tremendously! Homeowners should consider looking into loan options that have low-interest rates specifically designed for rooftop photovoltaic installations like HELOCs . Additionally some states/cities/local utilities also provide great interest-free loans aimed at helping people get started on saving money via green technology upgrades around their homes.

By taking advantage of local solar incentives, you can enjoy the benefits of going solar while also saving money and helping the environment in your community.

Maintain Your Solar Panels

Clean Your Solar Panels Regularly to Keep Them Working Efficiently, Check for Any Damage or Degradation in Performance and Arrange Repairs As Needed, Monitor Production Levels With an Online Monitoring System To Ensure Optimal Efficiency. Maintaining your solar panels is crucial in ensuring their longevity and optimal functioning. Here are some tips to help you keep your solar panels working efficiently:

  • Clean the solar panels regularly with a soft brush or cloth
  • Check for any damage or degradation in performance by inspecting the panel surfaces
  • Arrange repairs as needed by contacting a professional technician
  • Monitor production levels using an online monitoring system to ensure optimal efficiency

By following these simple steps, you can maintain the efficiency of your solar panels and save money on electricity bills while also helping the environment. Remember that regular maintenance will not only lengthen the lifespan of your system but also improve its overall performance.


In conclusion, going solar is not only a financially wise decision but also an environmentally conscious one. As a homeowner in Iowa or Illinois, you have the opportunity to save money on utility bills while also contributing to a cleaner and greener planet. However, it is important to work with a qualified installer like Source Solar who can help you choose the right panels, inverters, and battery storage solutions for your specific needs. Additionally, maintaining your solar panels will ensure their longevity and optimal efficiency. By taking these steps towards energy efficiency, you are not only benefiting yourself, but also the planet for years to come. So why wait? Start exploring your solar options today!

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